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  1. #1

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    Smile دانلود پلاگین Twixtor 5.1.5 افتر افکت برای سیستم مک mac

    دانلود پلاگین Twixtor 5.1.5 برای سیستم مک mac
    After Effects

    1. Uninstall 5.0.4 (or any previous version) COMPLETELY. The 5.1.5 installer might be able to uninstall it (I had already uninstalled it completely anyway by the time I tried it so not sure), but go into the following places and make sure all of these files are gone:

      If you cannot see your Library folder, you have to unhide it, like this link explains:
      Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins
      Now choose your version of CS (for me it was CS6), go to the Media Core folder and delete the entire Twixtor folder.

      Also delete all files related to Twixtor in here:
      (For me I had several, some named Twixtor, others with a "TW" prefix. If you have other RE:FX files I would leave them alone; I did and it still worked fine for me.)
    2. Now download 5.1.5 installer from the RE:fx site here:

      But just in case that gets updated and anything beyond 5.1.5 doesn't work, here is the same file that I uploaded myself:

    3. Once you open the .DMG and double click the installer, change the install path. This should be a button underneath where you choose the hard drive to install it to. It can be anything so long as it's not the typical plug-in folder. In my case I created a folder called "Twixtor" inside of the AE folder in Applications.
    4. Select which version of CS you have. In my case it was CS6. Agree to a bunch of stuff about it being in a different folder path, etc.
    5. TRICKY PART: Copy paste this first and make sure you get a confirmation of the plugin being unlocked:

      Name: The Balde
      Serial: iKp6V7IMgOJxwYPj

      Now, it should ask you for the previous version key, and I put in this (but DON'T continue just yet!):

      Name: The Blad
      Serial: wABTzu7SyhP43ZP9

    Download and Plugin

  2. #2
    با سلام
    ظاهرا برای نصب این ورژن در مک ۳ بار name و serial می خواد
    با تشکر

موضوعات مشابه

  1. ارور در اجرا پلاگین Twixtor
    توسط moheban در انجمن افتر افکت - After Effects
    پاسخ: 4
    آخرين نوشته: 09-28-15, 13:00
  2. آموزش حذف رده های فیلم در افتر پس از Twixtor
    توسط elvis021 در انجمن افتر افکت - After Effects
    پاسخ: 4
    آخرين نوشته: 09-15-15, 09:23
  3. پاسخ: 6
    آخرين نوشته: 08-27-15, 21:43
  4. مشکل در پلاگین twixtor
    توسط NewView در انجمن افتر افکت - After Effects
    پاسخ: 15
    آخرين نوشته: 07-05-15, 14:45
  5. اشکال در Twixtor
    توسط aliseifi در انجمن افتر افکت - After Effects
    پاسخ: 3
    آخرين نوشته: 08-31-14, 12:02

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